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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION An agent for maintaining constant levels of minerals in reef aquariums Using Reef Mineral Salt is one of the most important elements during supplementation...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Maintaining stable carbonate hardness for perfect balance in the aquarium An agent for maintaining constant carbonate hardness levels in reef aquariums. An accurate level...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A key to stabilizing your aquarium and balance coral development An agent for raising magnesium levels in reef aquariums. Magnesium is essential for the...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Maintains a constant level of calcium and regulates pH in reef aquariums An agent for maintaining constant calcium levels and pH adjustment in reef...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Solution for raising carbonate hardness in marine aquariums. KH Plus was created for maintaining sudden carbonate hardness drops and restoring the ionic balance in...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Highly concentrated formula for raising magnesium levels in marine aquariums. Mg Plus is created for managing shortages and sudden drops of magnesium levels. Magnesium...
Highly concentrated formula for raising calcium levels in marine aquariums. Ca Plus was created for maintaining shortages and sudden drops of calcium levels. Due to the...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The filter sock effectively catches dirt and purifies water of all kinds of suspensions, dusts and food residues. total length: 30,5 cm outer diameter:...
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The filter sock effectively catches dirt and purifies water of all kinds of suspensions, dusts and food residues. total length: 31,5 cm outer diameter:...
PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION Ready-for-use the highest quality resin for demineralization of water. Created specially for reverse osmosis filters, mainly as the last stage of the tap water...
Efficient medium for fluidization filters Efficient medium for fluidization filters. Too much food and supplements may be the cause of too high phosphate levels. Due to the unique...
Initiates and supports the nitrification process Life Bio Fil is a natural biological filtration media. Due to carefully selected bacterial strains it initiates and supports the...